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Title: Waves
Artist: Mr. Probz
Year: 0
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This song IS available for karaoke!
Pleaes Note these are only provided for the purpose of assisting a singer in song selection.
My face above the water
My feet can't touch the ground,
Touch the ground, and it feels like
I can see the sands on the horizon
Every time you are not around
I'm slowly drifting away (drifting away)
Wave after wave, wave after wave
I'm slowly drifting (drifting away)
And it feels like I'm drowning
Pulling against the stream
Pulling against the stream
I wish I could make it easy
Easy to love me, love me
But still I reach
To find a way
I'm stuck here in between
I'm looking for the right words to say
I'm slowly drifting (drifting away)
Wave after wave, wave after wave
I'm slowly drifting (drifting away)
And it feels like I'm drowning
Pulling against the stream
Pulling against the stream
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