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Title: I'm Shipping Up to Boston
Artist: Dropkick Murphys
Year: 2006
Album: The Warrior's Code
Writers: Woody Guthrie (lyrics) Dropkick Murphys (A. Barr, K. Casey, M. Kelly, J. Lynch & M. Orrell) (music)
Publishers & Labels: Hellcat (David Bianco)
Genre: Celtic Punk
Language: English
Song Length:
This song IS available for karaoke!

Pleaes Note these are only provided for the purpose of assisting a singer in song selection.

I'm a sailor peg
And I've lost my leg
Climbing up the top sails
I lost my leg!

I'm shipping up to Boston whoa
I'm shipping up to Boston whoa
I'm shipping up to Boston whoa
I'm shipping off...to find my wooden leg

I'm a sailor peg
And I've lost my leg
Climbing up the top sails
I lost my leg!

I'm shipping up to Boston whoa
I'm shipping up to Boston whoa
I'm shipping up to Boston whoa
I'm shipping off...to find my wooden leg


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