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Title: Toxicity
Artist: System of a Down
Year: 2002
Album: Toxicity
Writers: Daron Malakian; Shavo Odadjian; Serj Tankian
Publishers & Labels: American
Genre: Nu Metal
Language: English
Song Length:
This song IS available for karaoke!

Pleaes Note these are only provided for the purpose of assisting a singer in song selection.

Conversion, software version 7.0
Looking at life through the eyes of a tire hub

Eating seeds as a pastime activity
The toxicity of our city, of our city

New, what do you own the world?
How do you own disorder, disorder
Now, somewhere between the sacred silence, sacred silence and sleep
Somewhere between the sacred silence and sleep
Disorder, disorder, disorder

More wood for their fires, loud neighbours
Flashlight reveries caught in the headlights of a truck

Eating seeds as a pastime activity
The toxicity of our city, of our city

New, what do you own the world?
How do you own disorder, disorder
Now, somewhere between the sacred silence, sacred silence and sleep
Somewhere between the sacred silence and sleep
Disorder, disorder, disorder

New, what do you own the world?
How do you own disorder
Now, somewhere between the sacred silence, sacred silence and sleep
Somewhere between the sacred silence and sleep
Disorder, disorder, disorder

When I became the sun
I shone life into the man's hearts
When I became the sun
I shone life into the man's hearts


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