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Title: Free Your Mind
Artist: En Vogue
Year: 0
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This song IS available for karaoke!

Pleaes Note these are only provided for the purpose of assisting a singer in song selection.

Free your mind!
I wear tight clothing, high heeled shoes
It doesn't mean that I'm a prostitute no, no!
I like rap music, wear hip-hop clothes
That doesn't mean that I'm out sellin' dope no, no, no!
Oh my, forgive me for having straight hair
No, it doesn't mean there's another blood in my heir, yeah, yeah!
I might date another race or colour
It doesn't mean I don't like my strong black brothers!
Why, oh why must it be this way?
(Ohhh, ohhh, ohhh, ohhh)
Before you can read me
You got to learn how to see me!
I said...
Free your mind
And the rest will follow
Be colour-blind
Don't be so shallow
Free your mind
And the rest will follow
Be colour-blind
Don't be so shallow
So I'm a sista
Buy things with cash
That really doesn't mean that all my credit's bad
So why dispute me and waste my time?
Because you really think the price is high for me
I can't look without being watched, no!
You rang my buy before I made up my mind
Oh now attitude
Why even bother?
I can't change your mind
You can't change my colour
Why, oh why must it be this way?
(Ohhh, ohhh, ohhh, ohhh)
Before you can read me
You got to learn how to see me!
I said...
Free your mind
And the rest will follow
Be colour-blind
Don't be so shallow
Free your mind
And the rest will follow
Be colour-blind
Don't be so shallow
Free your mind
And the rest will follow
Be colour-blind
Don't be so shallow
Free your mind
And the rest will follow
Be colour-blind
Don't be so shallow
Free your mind!
Why, oh why must it be this way?
Before you can read me
You got to learn how to see me!
I said...
Free your mind, and the rest will follow
Be colour-blind, don't be so shallow
Free your mind, and the rest will follow
Be colour-blind, don't be so shallow
Free your mind, and the rest will follow
Be colour-blind, don't be so shallow
Free your mind, and the rest will follow
Be colour-blind, don't be so shallow
Free your mind!


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