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Title: Landing in London
Artist: 3 Doors Down feat Bob Seger
Year: 2005
Album: Seventeen Days
Writers: Brad Arnold, Matt Roberts, Todd Harrell, Chris Henderson
Publishers & Labels: Universal Records
Genre: Alternative Rock
Language: English
Song Length:
This song IS available for karaoke!
This song IS available for DJ!
We have a Sing a Long Version of this song!

Pleaes Note these are only provided for the purpose of assisting a singer in song selection.

I woke up today in London
As the plane was touching down
And all I could think about was Monday
Maybe I'd be back around
If this keeps me way much longer
I don't know what I would do
You got to understand it's a hard life,
That I'm going through
And when the night falls around me
And I don't think I'll make it through
I'll use your light to guide the way
All I think about is you
L A is getting kind of crazy
And New York is getting kind of cold
I keep my head from getting lazy
I just can't wait to get back home
And all these days I spend away
I'll make up for this I swear
I need your love to hold me up
When it's all to much to bear
And when the night falls around me
And I don't think I'll make it through
I'll use your light to guide the way
All I think about is you
And all these days I spend away
I'll make up for this I swear
I need your love to hold me up
When it's all to much to bear
And when the night falls around me
And I don't think I'll make it through
I'll use your light to guide the way
All I think about is you
And when the night falls around me
And I don't think I'll make it through
I'll use your light to guide the way
All I think about is you


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