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Title: When She Says Baby
Artist: Jason Aldean
Year: 0
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This song IS available for karaoke!

Pleaes Note these are only provided for the purpose of assisting a singer in song selection.

Some days it’s tough just gettin’ up
Throwin’ on these boots and makin’ that climb
Some days I’d rather be a no show
Lay low ‘fore I go out of my mind

But when she says baby
Oh don’t matter what comes
Ain’t goin’ nowhere
She runs her fingers through my hair
And saves me
Yeah that look in her eyes got me comin’ alive
And drivin’ me a good kind a crazy
When she says baby
Oh when she says baby

Some nights I come home fightin’ mad
Feel like runnin’ my fist through the wall
Is it even worth what I’m fightin’ for anymore
Feelin’ torn, oh the hell with it all

But when she says baby
Oh don’t matter what comes
Ain’t goin’ nowhere
She runs her fingers through my hair
And saves me
Yeah that look in her eyes got me comin’ alive
And drivin’ me a good kind a crazy
When she says baby
Oh when she says baby

Everything gonna be alright
Just lay down by my side
Let me love you through this life

She’s a perfect shot of faith
When every bit of mine is gone
Somethin’ I can believe in
A best friend, a heaven sent
Love to lean on

But when she says baby
Oh don’t matter what comes
Ain’t goin’ nowhere
She runs her fingers through my hair
And saves me
Yeah that look in her eyes got me comin’ alive
And drivin’ me a good kind a crazy
When she says baby
Oh when she says baby

Yeah that look in her eyes got me comin’ alive
And drivin’ me a good kind a crazy


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