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Title: Slow Hand
Artist: Conway Twitty
Year: 0
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This song IS available for karaoke!

Pleaes Note these are only provided for the purpose of assisting a singer in song selection.

As the midnight moon was drifting through
The lazy sway of the trees
I saw the look in your eyes looking into the night
Not seeing what you wanted to see.

Darling, don't say a word I've already heard
What your body is saying to mine
You're tired of fast moves
You got a slow groove on your mind.

You want a man with a slow hand
You want a lover with an easy touch
You want somebody who will spend some time
Not come and go in a heated rush
Baby, believe me I understand
When it comes to love you want a slow hand.

Moon shadowed ground with no one around
And a blanket of stars in our eyes
Hey, we're drifting free like two losties
On the crazy wind of the night.

Darling don't say a word I've already heard
What your body is saying to mine
If you want all night you know it's alright
I've got time.

You've got a man with a slow hand
You've got a lover with an easy touch
You've got somebody who will spend some time
Not come and go in a heated rush
Baby, believe me I understand
When it comes to love you want a slow hand.

You want a lover with an easy touch
You've got somebody
Who will spend some time with you baby
Not come and go in a heated rush
Baby believe me I understand
When it comes to love you want a slow hand...


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