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Title: Unchain My Heart
Artist: Joe Cocker
Year: 0
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This song IS available for karaoke!

Pleaes Note these are only provided for the purpose of assisting a singer in song selection.

Unchain my heart
Baby let, let me be
'Cause you don't care
well, please
Set me free

Unchain my heart
Baby let me go
Unchain my heart
'Cause you don't love me no more

Every time I call you on the phone
Some fella tells me that you're not at home
Unchain my heart
Set me free

Unchain my heart
Baby let me be
Unchain my heart
'Cause you don't care about me

You've got me sewed up like a pillow case
But you let my love go to waste
Unchain my heart
Set me free

I'm under your spell
Like a man in a trance baby
Oh but you know darn well
That I don't stand a chance

Unchain my heart
Let me go my way
Unchain my heart
You worry me night and day

Why lead me through a life of misery
When you don't care a bag of beans for me
Unchain my heart oh please
Set me free

I'm under your spell
Just like a man in a trance, baby
But you know darn well
That I don't stand a chance

Please unchain my heart
Let me go my way
Unchain my heart
You worry me night and day

Why lead me through a life of misery
When you don't care a bag of beans for me
Unchain my heart
Please set me free

Oh set me free
Oh woman why don't you do that for me
You don't care
Won't you let me go
If you don't love me no more
Like a man in a trance
Let me go
I'm under your spell
Like a man in a trance
Oh but you know darn well
That I don't stand a chance no
You don't care
Please set me free


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