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Title: Trojans
Artist: Atlas Genius
Year: 2012
Album: When It Was Now
Writers: Keith Jeffery, Michael Jeffery, Steven Jeffery, Darren Sell.
Publishers & Labels: Warner Bros.
Genre: Alternative Rock; Indie Rock
Language: English
Song Length:
This song IS available for karaoke!

Pleaes Note these are only provided for the purpose of assisting a singer in song selection.

Take it off, take it in
Take off all the thoughts of what we've been
Take a look, hesitate
Take a picture you could never recreate
Write a song, make a note
For the lump that sits inside your throat
Change the locks, change the scene
Change it all but can't change what we've been
Oh, oh your Trojan's in my head
Oh, oh your Trojan's in my head
Your Trojan's in my head
It's OK if it's gone
The thoughts that you had that it was the one
And oh what is left?
For all those times is that what you get?
Oh regardless
The walls get painted anyway
Oh you're guarding
The gates, but it all got away
Oh, oh your Trojan's in my head
Oh, oh your Trojan's in my head
Your Trojan's in my head
Your Trojan's in my head
Your Trojan's in my head
Your Trojan's in my head
Take it off, take it in
Take off all the thoughts of what we've been
Take a look, hesitate
Take a picture you could never recreate
Write a song, make a note
For the lump that sits inside your throat
Change the locks, change the scene
Change it all but can't change what we've been
Oh, oh your Trojan's in my head
Oh, oh your Trojan's in my head
Oh, oh your Trojan's in my head
Oh, oh your Trojan's in my head
Your Trojan's in my head
Take it off, take it in
All the thoughts of what we've been
Take off all the thoughts of what we've been


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